
您的当前位置: 首页 > 企业动态 > 公司新闻 > 喜讯!热烈祝贺安科瑞顺利获得MID证书




After SGS (UK) MID technical experts comprehensively, rigorously and carefully guide and review Acrel din rail energy meters, it is confirmed that the quality of ADL200 single-phase din rail energy meter produced by Jiangsu Acrel Electrical Manufacturing Co., LTD. complies with MID related standards, and on July 22, 2021, SGS (Finland) agency officially issued MID certificate(Certificate No. 0120/SGS0496) to our company. The MID certificate of Acrel ADL400 three-phase din rail energy meter is also in the process of obtaining evidence, which is expected to be completed in early September.


The acquisition of the MID certificate this time is an affirmation of our company’s existing factory quality management system and product quality. Only by following the international quality requirements can we make products that satisfy customers, and we can only be a company that customers can trust. In order to continue to serve our customers!


I wish Acrel's products will sell well in the European market and at the same time, we welcome all customers who are involved in the European market to make inquiries!
MID小知识:MID Tip:

计量器具指令(Measuring Instruments Directive,简称 MID)2014/32/EC,欧盟已在2004年4月30日官方通报该指令,并于2006年的10月30日起强制实施,是欧盟用来监督管理计量器具的法规.

Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) 2014/32/EC, the European Union has officially notified the directive on April 30, 2004, and will be enforced on October 30, 2006. It is used by the European Union for supervision and management. Regulations on measuring instruments.

欧盟出台计量器具指令(MID)是为了规范欧盟计量器具的单一市场, 消除欧盟内部的贸易壁垒, 以及更好地?;は颜? MID不仅是计量学的重要应用, 而且也是计量产品合格评定的重要法规,范围覆盖了欧盟市场95%的在欧盟市场上销售的计量器具。

The EU issued the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) to regulate the EU's single market for measuring instruments, eliminate trade barriers within the EU, and better protect consumers. MID is not only an important application of metrology, but also an important part of the conformity assessment of measurement products. The regulations cover 95% of the measuring instruments sold on the EU market in the EU market.
  • 187-2109-5851
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